Wednesday, November 24, 2010

When your boss is sick.....again

It was really sad to learn that my boss was sick again. This time she was out for two weeks! I wasn't sure what to do with myself exactly. Two weeks is a really long time and I was worried about her health. However it was business as usual. I worked on the town's social media pages, completed research on various topics, and completed two town-government press releases for the website. Even though I had been through this before, it was hard not having the direction I was used to. But I guess that is all part of growing as a professional.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Social media and research

This week I set up gmail account for all of the town's social media exchanges and continued research on content management systems, in particular co-tweet. We use co-tweet at my job and it is really effective. I convinced my boss that we should look in to it. I also continued researching for items on making a calendar portion of social media pages and website as well as advertising possibilities for fan box and extras on social media pages. I also created a photo library so that our department could start archiving photos of events etc. It was a busy week!
Fall Festival photo from library

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thus far in the fall semester....

I have to say, with everything going on I am beyond burnt out from working full time and the fall semester. What is really weighing me down is PAF 573: Advanced Regression. I was not prepared for the intensity of this class. Between learning a new statistical software, completing regression problem sets, and reading assigned research journals, I barely have enough time to read the text books! That doesn't even count the research project I am doing for this class on top of everything else that is required and my other classes. My research project is quite interesting to me, which has become the small flame in an otherwise burnt out candle. All I have to say is I am grateful that December has almost arrived!

Week 8

This week was fairly laid back. I worked on three town-government press releases and the town social media primarily. I also started researching opportunities for the town's economic development team. There had been alot of budget cuts and the town was facing some hard decisions. The economic development team is responsible for finding opporunities for economic growth and development in the town. Since my boss was still sick and catching up from when she was out, I was asked to help the economic development team. It was really interesting researching possible ways to bring growth and stability to the town.