Wednesday, November 24, 2010

When your boss is sick.....again

It was really sad to learn that my boss was sick again. This time she was out for two weeks! I wasn't sure what to do with myself exactly. Two weeks is a really long time and I was worried about her health. However it was business as usual. I worked on the town's social media pages, completed research on various topics, and completed two town-government press releases for the website. Even though I had been through this before, it was hard not having the direction I was used to. But I guess that is all part of growing as a professional.


  1. Press Releases! wow, I had to do a couple of them too and it took me a while to get to the point where I really like how it sounded!. I am sure you are already an expert.

  2. That's rough Sam, especially for a 2 week stint. Good job keeping busy regardless!

  3. I work for a really small company, and you cant ever afford to be sick. Sucks that they left you hanging for so long, but happy to hear your boss is feeling better.

  4. I always try to make sure i have a weeks worth of work just in case something like this were to happen to my boss, but two weeks is a crazy long time to be sick! Its cool they let you work on the social media aspect, i am guessing they consider you somewhat of an expert on it?

  5. I'm impressed, I think I would have gone crazy trying to keep myself busy with such little instruction. Even if I did come up with valuable things to do, I'd be worried that I would be taking my projects in a direction my boss wouldn't like.

    Hope they are feeling better!

  6. Hi, sorry to hear about your boss. But glad to hear you are keeping up, despite this. Dealing with adversity, I imagine, would help most people grow professionally and personally. Good Luck!
