Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thus far in the fall semester....

I have to say, with everything going on I am beyond burnt out from working full time and the fall semester. What is really weighing me down is PAF 573: Advanced Regression. I was not prepared for the intensity of this class. Between learning a new statistical software, completing regression problem sets, and reading assigned research journals, I barely have enough time to read the text books! That doesn't even count the research project I am doing for this class on top of everything else that is required and my other classes. My research project is quite interesting to me, which has become the small flame in an otherwise burnt out candle. All I have to say is I am grateful that December has almost arrived!


  1. Sam, I felt the same way having a full time job last semester and having two MPA classes. One of them being a research methods class that required software that I didnt understand either. I feel your pain, but it'll pay off in the end.

  2. Hang in there Sam! Taking 502 was challenging enough for me, I can only imagine those challenges associated with advanced regression. Are you studying public policy or public administration?

  3. Working while going to school, let alone full time can get crazy. Good luck in surviving the next few weeks!

  4. Thanks everyone! I know you all are probably going through similar experiences.
    Stacy: Public policy!
