Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nightmare social media

One of the largest tasks I was assigned was to completely revamp the social media for the Town of Fountain Hills. This included disabling the old Facebook page that was set up incorrectly by a previous employee. This proved to be one of the hardest tasks I had to do....that on the surface seemed the easiest. The directions on actually canceling a Facebook page are not readily available and it took me a while to find them.Which I couldn't figure out why. I guess I can understand why they would make it as difficult as possible to cancel a page so they don't lose members! However for me it just made my job hard. In order to create a new page, the old page had to be completely canceled. In order to do that however, the old page had to be disabled for more than two weeks. Meaning you couldn't use the page. However during this time, there was important information that I needed to share via social networks, with Facebook being an extremely important one of those. It was really a catch 22 situation. I couldn't make a new page, but also couldn't do anything with the old page. Stay tuned for more on how this "social media nightmare" unfolds!.....


  1. What a nightmare in the making I must say. Seems like Facebook would make it just a little bit simpler to cancel and create a page. For organizations that rely on this form of media they should make concessions to allow same day changes to a new page. Hope it all works out for you. I will stay tuned to see your nightmare end............I hope.

  2. I hope this works out! Citizens who use facebook to connect with the City will not be happy if they can not access it.

  3. I can relate! I deal with Socisl Media on a daily basis for my internship and, believe me, I am sick and tired of it. It can be fun and challenging, but also seem like a drag at times too. Good luck!
