Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When your boss is sick.....

It makes for an interesting experience the first time your boss is sick and you are left to independently do events, complete assignments etc. When my advisor/boss called to let me know she was sick that week and then listed off my assignments, I wasn't sure how to react. My first thought was that this could be my time to shine and show her (my boss) that I could be trusted to get the work done without consulting her first. At the same time, I was also a bit on edge. I didnt want to make a mistake and have the opposite affect happen! But I independently compsed press releases during that time, conducted research on social market networks and continued to improve the town's social media sites. That was a good experience to have, looking back. I am now more comfortable taking the lead and getting things done.


  1. I can relate to that feeling of being left on your own to do things that you're pretty unsure about. I'm glad you were able to take initiative and get things done. I'm sure your boss was pleased, and now she must know you're a reliable and valuable intern. Sometimes the only thing you can do is the best you can, and it sounds like you did that and succeeded! Congrats :)

  2. Great job!, I remember when my boss was sick, I felt like I was carrying the whole world on my shoulders!

  3. Fantastic for you. Way to step up and take control. As long as you have the confidence you need in yourself you can do anything. Again, so glad it all worked out well for you. You should be proud of your accomplishments.

  4. That's awesome! Good job! I know when I've been in that situation it is usually the mistakes that I actually learn more from anyway.
