Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Career advising: A wonderful experience

Yesterday I stopped by the downtown career center to seek career advising. I currently work for a job that utilizes my undergraduate degrees, but was curious as to how to make that transition to a job that would utlize my master's work. They advisor I met with had some great advice and tips. She mentioned possibly completing an internship or volunteer work, to shadow someone in the field i am interested in getting in to. With my work schedule, i mentioned that this would be difficult. The advisor had great advice on how to deal with that as well. She said that it would be really important to sell my education and highlight my course work and projects in lieu of work experience. This made me feel so much better. She also said i should start looking at job postings now to get a sense of what employers in my field are looking for, as well as start preparing my resumes so that they are ready when i need them. I thought she gave some really great tips and would highly recommend to anyone to visit the career center.

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